Jahir Raihan's picture

Jahir Raihan - Software Engineer

Developer with a demonstrated skill set building Web application using different technology stack. Skilled in Python, Django, Django-Rest-Framework Html, Css, Javascript, and many more side technologies. Specialized in BackEnd development using Django. Familar with Analytics tools, Software Life Cycle, DBMS and System Design.

Professional Experiences

MetroPlex Website
Qtec Solutions Limited
Junior Software Engineer

Working as a core backend engineer of a popular islamic streaming service in Bangladesh, and its esteemed to be published worlwide. . Implementing new features and backend components. Optimizing apis for faster and smoother experiences.


Why Optimization?

In general purpose, we make softwares before joining any company. But after joining many of us from beginners are not that familiar with optimization. This video provides quick overview of optimization in software development and importance of it.

MetroPlex Website
MetroPlex Sporting Club
Author & Contributor

An online ticketing system to book play grounds online with duration of an hour. Idea taken from a sporting club named MetroPlex in Dhaka, they have sport grounds for Badminton, Cricket and Football and to play on these grounds players are required to book them in hour basis. This whole application idea is based on this mentioned context with some extended features.

Calendar Generator
Author & Contributor.

An Generator website to generate a calendar year with 12 months in a digital form using raw technologies such as HTML, CSS, SCSS & Javascript. It also contains feature like ability to download an calendar in pdf format, contributed by an contributor. Future plan of this project is to add "On This Day on History" feature, where it will show important event of a particular selected date.

Web Automation | WhitePages
Web Automation Engineer

Scripts to automate scraping whitepages website, and submit a data deletion request automatically using selenium and undetected_chromedriver. Used undected_chromedriver to bypass cloudflare security check.

E-Commerce Website
Worked as a Full-Stack Developer.

An Ecommerce site built only for Garments Business. Features included in the webiste is like an Noraml E-Commerce site. From hanlding multi type users to non users, and tracking their activity is served through out the whole website. Added Social Authentication which includes Google and Facebook API. Cart functionality is handeled on client side. Admin dashboard with informative statistics. Tested using UnitTests.

GovTrack BD
Worked as a Full-Stack Developer.

To be transparent with citizens, Government tracks every projects and development happening in the country, but its hard to find any reliable and user friendly source to check project details. The idea was to create a website which tracks Government Ongoing and completed projects, which will allow citizens to view and verify project detials on their own. Used two different web scrappers to scrape Government projects data realtime, including LGED and NDRE.

E-Ticketing Website
Worked as a Full-Stack Developer.

The Idea was to build a website which leverages local offline counter work in online. This website contains all features related to a local couter, from managing departure shcedule to generating digital tickets. Added freezing system to avoid collision when two or more passengers tries to buy the same seat at the same time.

Institute Management System
Worked as a Full-Stack Developer.

Built purly out of 8 month research on my own Institute, Includes Accounting for fees management, Result section for publishing results. Added pdf printable Marksheet to print out a real marksheet from the website. Also added printable Tabulationsheet for submitting student results to the board. Both Marksheet and Tabulation sheets are generated from a single result csv file. Features like Notice and managing studets are also included.

More Projects
Fighting Game - Beta

Simple Javascript Fighting game built using Html Canvas. Added Scoring, winner determination , Jump, Run, Hit, Attack animtions. It's on early stage of development.

Target Game - Beta

Game with physics is more fun than anything, built this game using matterjs physics engine. Its on early stage of development.

Url Shortner

Simple one paged Url Shortner built using Django as BackEnd.

Mondrianish blocks

Inspired from mondrianish algorithm, which generates nice looking blocks - by "joshdata.me". I tried to built them statically, and come up with complex designs which are actually great to test out css skills.

“ Amazing human mind. He can't even say what he wants . He himself can never give the true answer of what is his happiness and what is his unhappiness. ”

- Zahir Raihan